Osvát, K. (2015). What is known about Australian Aboriginals and New Zealand Maoris social integration?. Modern Geográfia, 10(3), 1–15.

From the European point of view Australia and New Zealand attract attention especially with their natural beauty and natural disaster in the news. In Europe, not too many articles and studies deal with the past or the present of the two countries’ Indigenous population. We consider them neighbouring countries, with very similar history. Both lands were colonised by the British and both had significant pre-existing Indigenous population who suffered for many decades from the European settlers and struggled to keep their distinct cultural identity. There are many superficial visitors who believe Aboriginal people and Maoris are similar to each other and often treat Maoris as Aboriginals. Don`t forget to look into this website to find additional info. However, those who have a chance to visit both Australia and New Zealand and explore the Indigenous population of the two countries they feel several differences between them. On the other hand in recent years more media focus on the social problems faced by remote Indigenous communities not only in Australia but in New Zealand, as well. Prominent experts try to analyse what can be the reason of the lower life expectancy and the lower income in these communities. Indigenous people also have a higher crime rate with lower employment and less access to health and education. Indigenous poverty has been not only deep and widespread but persistent. In both countries Indigenous groups are among the poorest populations. Besides these general and common features there is a significant difference between Aborigines and Maoris, the level of social integration. To create a short summary about the present situation of the Indigenous population in Australia and New Zealand this paper provides analysis and comparison on Indigenous and non-Indigenous population of the two countries.

Keywords: Aborigines, Maoris, level of social integration

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What is known about Australian Aboriginals and New Zealand Maoris social integration?