Comments on workforce mobility in Hungary

Sebők, M. (2015). Comments on workforce mobility in Hungary. Modern Geográfia, 10(3), 49–67.

Geographic mobility has become a decisive factor of economic and political processes since the second half of the 20th century and, due to its variability, it is in focus of interest (Rédei, M. 2010). It has shaped into an issue requiring interpretation,

What is known about Australian Aboriginals and New Zealand Maoris social integration?

Osvát, K. (2015). What is known about Australian Aboriginals and New Zealand Maoris social integration?. Modern Geográfia, 10(3), 1–15.

From the European point of view Australia and New Zealand attract attention especially with their natural beauty and natural disaster in the news. In Europe, not too many articles and studies deal with the past or the present of the

A balatoni szállásadás története a XVIII. századtól a II. világháborúig

Bártfai, E. (2015). A balatoni szállásadás története a XVIII. századtól a II. világháborúig. Modern Geográfia, 10(3), 27–48.

A tanulmány a Balatoni szállásadás történetét mutatja be a XVIII. századtól a II. világháborúig. A Balaton rövid földrajzi ismertetése után a vízi-, a vasúti- és a közúti közlekedés szerepét, fejlődését, a tó turizmusára gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja, majd három szakaszra bontva tekinti át

Contributions to the Methodology of Tourism History Research

Törzsök, A. (2015). Contributions to the methodology of tourism history research. Modern Geográfia, 10(3), 17–25.

During the 20th century the meaning of several relevant tourist concepts has undergone major changes. It is partly due to this fact that a significant portion of the terminologies were also used as a synonym. Attempts to define them had