Juhász, E., & Teperics, K. (2022). The place and role of topographic knowledge in the teaching of ethnography. Modern Geográfia, 17(3), 45–59. https://doi.org/10.15170/MG.2022.17.03.04

Geography and Ethnography are intertwined disciplines; therefore, their connection and interaction have always been present in education. The current study approaches geography from an ethnographic perspective, focusing on topographic knowledge. In order to examine the amended documents that regulate public education since 2020 (the National Core Curriculum and the Framework Curriculum), as well as the textbook on ethnography published in 2021, the content analysis method was applied. The study presents how the maps in the textbook expand topographic knowledge and how that constructs the interdisciplinary character of ethnography. The aim is to point out what topographic names appear in the textbook and how this knowledge relates to both fields.

Keywords: Geography, Ethnography, education, topography

The place and role of topographic knowledge in the teaching of ethnography