“Let Our Voices be Heard Everywhere!” Conversation with Rezső Mészáros

Szalai, Á. (2022). “Let Our Voices be Heard Everywhere!” Conversation with Rezső Mészáros [Interview]. Modern Geográfia, 17(4), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.15170/MG.2022.17.04.01

Rezső Mészáros was born in Makó, on March 4, 1942. In 1965 he graduated from the institution formerly known as Attila József University as a teacher of Geography and Biology. Then he taught in Csanádpalota, until 1974, when he joined

Possibilities and limitations of smart rural development in Hungary

Szalai, Á., & Fabula, Sz. (2021). Possibilities and limitations of smart rural development in Hungary. Modern Geográfia, 16(1), 59–79. https://doi.org/10.15170/MG.2021.16.01.04

Regional inequalities in Hungary, which have been conserved for decades, are well documented by human geography and regional science. However, changing policy frameworks, policy decisions, and finally, local decisions and value choices influence the development trajectories of regions that lean